梭德氏蛙 Rana sauteri ; Sauter‘s Brown Frog斯文豪氏赤蛙 Rana swinhoana ; Swinhoe‘s Brown Frog
台北赤蛙 Rana taipehensis ; Taipei Frog; Two Striped Grass Frog
虎皮蛙 Rana tigrina rugulosa ; Indian Bullfrog
酸败(度) rancidity
随机的 random
基因随机固定 random fixation of gene
随机彷徨变异 random fluctuation
随机遗传漂变 random genetic drift
随机交配 random mating
蛙蛇[鱼尉](属) Raneya
范围;幅度 range
耐量范围 range of tolerance
变异范围 range of variation
驯鹿 Rangifer tarandus
驯鹿(属) Rangifer; reindeer
缝;胚[月朱]脊(植) raphe
舌缝 raphe linguae
咽缝 raphe of pharynx; raphe pharyngie
腭缝 raphe palati
会阴缝 raphe perinei
包皮缝 raphe praeputii
阴囊缝 raphe scroti; r. of scrotum
快速动眼睡眠 rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
猛禽 raptor
攫捕足 raptorial leg
网状激活系统 RAS (reticular activating system)
凿吸型;炉吸型 rasping-sucking type
族环 rassenkreis; race cycle
羽鳃鲐(属) Rastrelliger
鼠咬热;鼠咬症 rat-bite fever
速率;比率 rate
散布率 rate of dispersion
呼吸速率 rate of respiration
银鲛 rat-fishes
拉克氏囊;脊椎动物胚胎外胚层盲管 Rathke‘s pouch
平胸鸟类 ratite birds
锦蛇 rat-snake
鼠尾蛆 rat-tailed maggots