谢威谱式 Cheve system琴轸琴栓 Cheville (法)
琴斗,栓斗 Cheviller (法)
管锺 Chimes
吉他琴 Chitarra (义)
圣歌队 Choir
歌队音高 Choir pitch
圣咏,合唱 Choral (德,英)
圣咏清唱剧 Choral cantata
圣咏前奏曲 Choral prelude
圣咏变奏曲 Choral variations
圣咏幻想曲 Chorale fantasia
圣咏复格曲 Chorale fugue
和弦 Chord
和弦构成 Chord construction
六和弦 Chord of six
六四和弦 Chord of six-four
加六和弦 Chord of the added sixth
增五和弦 Chord of the augmented fifth
增六和弦 Chord of the augmented sixth
增六五和弦 Chord of the augmented sixth and fifth
增二和弦 Chord of the augmented sixth and second
减七和弦 Chord of the diminished seventh
十一和弦 Chord of the eleventh
四三和弦 Chord of the four-three
九和弦 Chord of the ninth
二和弦 Chord of the second
七和弦 Chord of the seventh
六五和弦 Chord of the six-five
六五和弦,六五三和弦 Chord of the sixth fifth and third
二和弦,六四二和弦 Chord of the sixth fourth and second
四三和弦,六四三和弦 Chord of the sixth fourth and third
增四三和弦 Chord of the sugmented sixth fourth and third
十三和弦 Chord of the thirteenth
和弦形式 Chord-form
转位和弦 Chord-inversion
弦鸣乐器 Chordophone
和弦进行 Chord-progression
同和弦反复 Chord-repetition
合唱,合唱团 Chorus
半音的,变化的 Chromatic
半音变化 Chromatic alteration