起始点,起航点 point of departure反曲点 point of inflection
转折点 point of inflexion
交点,曲线顶点 point of intersection
岬,岬角 point of land
次等控制点 point of minor control
原点 point of origin
近地点 point of perigee
参考点 point of reference
反曲点 point of reverse curvature
对称点 point of symmetry
切点 point of tangency
曲线终点 point of tangent
竖曲线起点 point of vertical curve,PVC
坡度变换器 point of vertical intersection
竖曲线切点 point of vertical tangent
角峰 point peak
点位成果表 point position data
点号系统 point system
像片转点仪 point transfer device
凝合点组 point-aggregate
定位仪 pointer station
指极星 pointers
定点法 pointing
照准精度 pointing accuracy
照准误差 pointing errors
照准线 pointing line
像点接合法 point-matching methoc
极星高 polar altitude
极角 polar angle
极区 polar areas
北极仪 polar attachment
极光 polar aurora
极轴 polar axis
极方位角 polar bearing
极区图 polar chart
极圈 polar circle
极坐标 polar coordinate
极坐标仪 polar coordinatograph
极直径 polar diameter
极距 polar distance
偏极滤光镜 polar filter