震场 earthquake field震度,地震强度 earthquake intensity
震级,地震规模 earthquake magnitude
地震记录 earthquake record
地震振动 earthquake vibration
地震波 earthquake wave
地震应力 earthquake-generation stress
地球正常等位面 earth-spherop
土方计算 earthwork computions
缓和曲线 easement curve
东偏 east declination
东距角 east elongation
横距,经距 easting
纵线 easting line
伊士曼 Eastman
平滑曲线 easy curve
偏心角 eccentric angle
偏近点离角 eccentric anomaly
偏心凸轮 eccentric cam
偏心改正 eccentric correction
偏心方向 eccentric direction
偏心距 eccentric distance
偏心误差 eccentric error
偏观测 eccentric observation
偏心半径 eccentric radius
偏心归算 eccentric reduction
偏心标 eccentric signal
偏心测站 eccentric station
偏心率,偏心距 eccentricity
偏心改正 eccentricity correction
偏心误差 eccentricity error
照准仪偏心率 eccentricity of alidade
度盘偏心距 eccentricity of circle
度盘偏心率 eccentricity of graduated circle
仪器偏心距 eccentricity of instrument
旋转椭球体偏心率 eccentricity of spheroid of revolution
梯状透镜 echelon lens
回声 echo
回波振辐 echo amplitude
回波等强线 echo contour
回声深度 echo depth
回声测深仪 echo fathometer