余分割尺 complementary partitions全吸收 complete adsorption
完全方向组 complete set of direction
完全方向观测组 complete sets of direction observation
复数矩阵 complex matrix
复根 complex root
误差分量 component error
分力 component of force
编制,排版,排字 composing
拼版 composing type blocks
综合版清绘图 composite drawing
合成假彩色像片 composite false color photograph
集成图 composite map
集成晒印图 composite print
复合像片 compositephotograph
排版,拼版 composition
力之合成 composition of force
复视目镜 compound eyepiece
复合透镜 compound lens
复式测压计 compound manometer
合流河 compound river
复快门 compound shutter
复透镜 compoundlens
明细图 comprehensive map
地球扁率 compression
地球扁率 compression of the earth
压缩变形 compressive deformation
土地征收 compulsory acquisition
导线平差计算 computation and adjustment of traverse
平差计算 computation of adjustment
坐标计算 computation of coordinates
计算摄影测量 computational photogrammetry
电脑辅助编图,自助编图 computer aided map compilation
电脑制图 computer mapping
计算机绘图机 computer plotter
计算机处理 computer processed
视距计算盘 computer stadia
计算机辅助制图 computer-aided cartography
通信卫星 comsat
凹岸 concave bank
凹曲线 concave curve
凹透镜 concave lens