组合设备工具 cluster tool二氧化碳起泡器 CO2 bubbler
凝聚剂注入装置 coagulants feeding equipment
凝结沉淀槽 coagulo -sedimentation tank
煤膏 coal tars
煤膏环氧涂膜 coal-tar epoxy coating
煤膏单体 coal-tar monomers
煤膏沥青 coal-tar pitch
粗磨 coarse grinding
砂纸 coated abrasives
漆布 coated fabrics
铜版纸 coated paper
涂膜产品 coated products
涂敷机 coater
涂布及压挤 coating and extrusion
涂布及层合 coating and lamination
涂布方法 coating methods
涂布囤 coating tanks
涂膜 coatings
同轴圆筒型等离子体增强型 coaxial cylindrical plasma enhanced CVD system
同照射照明 coaxial lighting
玻璃基板晶片焊接术/ COB chip on glass
钴 cobalt
铝酸钴 cobalt aluminates
钴蓝 cobalt blue
钴触媒 cobalt catalysts
钴化物 cobalt compounds
偏硼酸钴 cobalt metabororates
环烷酸钴 cobalt naphthenate
钴皂 cobalt soaps
钴离子 cobaltic ion
辉砷钴矿 cobaltite
蛛网 cobwebbing
辅触媒 cocatalyst
辅正触媒比 cocatalyst-catalyst ratios
辅触媒 cocatalysts
椰子油 coconut oil
茧衣 cocoon coatings
界说规范 code, definition
规范 codes
弹性系数 coefficient of elasticity
摩擦系数 coefficient of friction