河川坡度 Slope of stream水面坡度 Slope of water surface
斜鋪面 Slope pavement
傾斜分類 Slope sorting
定坡橛 Slope staking
坡面夯實 Slope tamping
河床比降 Slope,bed
自然坡度,平衡坡度 Slope,equilibrium
堤內坡度 Slope,landside
海底比降 Slope,sea-bottom
上游坡度 Slope,upstream
堤外斜坡 Slope,waterside
傾斜護坦 Sloped apron
斜梁 Sloped beam
斜面緣石 Sloped curb
長孔接合 Slot joint
長孔樣板 Slotted templet
淖化 Sloughing
緩慢填土 Slow banking
慢車道 Slow moving vehicle lane
慢砂濾 Slow sand filtration
緩凝水泥 Slow setting cement
慢剪試驗 Slow shear test
慢行標志 Slow sign
低速號志 Slow speed signal
初速減緩裝置 Slow starter
慢車道 Slow vehicle lane
減速號志 Slowdown signal
污泥齡 Sludge age
污泥堤 Sludge bank
污泥床 Sludge bed
污泥浮層 Sludge blanket
污泥浮升 Sludge boil
污泥回流 Sludge circulation
集泥器 Sludge collector
污泥密度指數 Sludge density index
污泥沈積 Sludge deposit
污泥脫水 Sludge dewatering
污泥處置 Sludge disposal
污泥乾燥機 Sludge dryer
污泥乾燥床 Sludge drying bed
污泥清洗 Sludge elutriation