兩腿吊車 Shearlegs剪力樞,剪力栓 Shearpin
剪力樞接 Shear-pin splice
波形管套 Sheath,corrugated
接鞘 Sheath,coupler
襯板 Sheathing board
木板擋墻 Sheathing,camp
檢修車棚 Shed,car inspecting and repairing
機車庫 Shed,running
片層洪水 Sheet flood
薄層流 Sheet flow
平板玻璃 Sheet glass
薄冰 Sheet ice
膠泥防水薄層 Sheet mastic water proofing
薄層鋪面 Sheet pavement
板樁錨 Sheet pile anchorage
板樁防波堤 Sheet pile breakwater
板樁圍堰 Sheet pile cofferdam
板樁基礎 Sheet pile foundation
板樁堤 Sheet pile levee
板樁岸壁 Sheet pile quaywall
板椿碼頭 Sheet pile wharf
估價單 Sheet,estimate
閘門板 Sheet,gate
(斷層內)壁---立碎片層 Sheeted ground
薄鈑墻 Sheeter
樁墻移動 Sheeting movement
板樁擋土墻 Sheetpile bulkhead
板樁截水墻 Sheetpile cutoff
板椿攔水冪 Sheet-pile screen
板椿墻 Sheetpiling wall
錨扣板椿 Sheetpiling,anchor
架冰 Shelf ice
架式擋土墻 Shelf retaining wall
殼冰 Shell ice
回轉殼 Shell of revolution
泥漿泵 Shell pump
桶形殼 Shell,barrel
圓筒形殼 Shell,circular cylindrical
圓筒薄殼 Shell,cylindrical
雙曲拋物面殼 Shell,hyperbolic- parabolicial
拋物面殼 Shell,parabolic