出入道路 Service road便梯 Service stage
修理站 Service station
公益服務 Service,common
服務業 Serviceindustry
繞索細線 Serving
線群 Set of track
打鉛工具,填縫工具 Set,caulking
鑿子 Set,cold
假凝 Set,false
閃凝 Set,flash
退縮線 Setback line
小方塊石 Sett
凝結,設定 Setting
終凝 Setting final
凝結時間 Setting time
初凝 Setting,initial
沈降試驗 Settleability test
沈降性固體 Settleable solid
沈陷分析 Settlement analysis
沈陷裂縫 Settlement crack
集居機能 Settlement function
沈陷測定 Settlement measurement
沈陷觀測 Settlement observation
地盤沈陷 Settlement of ground
集居模式 Settlement pattern
沈陷 Settlement sinking
密集居住區 Settlement,compact
接面沈陷 Settlement,contact
差異沈陷 Settlement,differential
扭轉下沈 Settlement,distorsion
阻滯沈澱 Settlement,hindered
即時沈陷 Settlement,immediate
固有沈落 Settlement,inherent
幹擾沈陷 Settlement,interference
許i沈陷 Settlement,permissible
逐進性沈落 Settlement,progressive
相對沈陷量 Settlement,relative
均勻沈落 Settlement,uniform
沈澱池 Settling basin
沈澱槽 Settling chamber
沈澱固體 Settling solid