河床載率 Rate,bed load減率 Rate,declining
銷蝕率 Rate,erosion
濾率 Rate,filter
消防用水量 Rate,fire-demand
下滲率,取水率 Rate,intake
水錶水費 Rate,meter
瞬間水量 Rate,momentary
居住密度 Rate,occupancy
溢流率 Rate,overflow
氧化率 Rate,oxidation
停車使用率 Rate,parking turnover
滲漉率 Rate,percolating
滲漉率 Rate,percolation
升水速率 Rate,rising
污水費 Rate,sewage
變率 Rate,variable
廢水費 Rate,wastewater
標定出量,額定出力 Rated output
串定槽 Rating flume
率定線圈 Rating loop
快濾池濾率 Rating,rapid sand filter
閉合比 Ratio of closure
粗細骨材比 Ratio of coarse to fine aggregate
土地利用比 Ratio of land use
人口增加率 Ratio of population
公用地比率 Ratio of publicuseland
鋼筋比 Ratio of reinforcement
徑流比值 Ratio of runoff
活性比 Ratio,activity
氣隙比 Ratio,air-void
口徑比 Ratio,aperture
均衡鋼筋比 Ratio,balanced steel
底高比 Ratio,base-height
壓密比 Ratio,consolidation
益本比 Ratio,cost benefit
臨界空隙比 Ratio,critical void
截灣比 Ratio,cut-off
災害率 Ratio,damage
深度比 Ratio,depth
配水比 Ratio,distribution
分永比 Ratio,diversion