放射性同位索 Radioisotope放射性砂 Radioisotope sand
無線電傳打字機 Radioteletypewriter
慣性半徑 Radius of inertia
勢力半徑 Radius of influence
扭轉半徑 Radius of tortion
轉彎半徑 Radius,turning
瀝青抽取器(循環式) Rafiux extractor
筏式基礎 Raft foundation
流木道 Raftpath
流木道 Raftway
棘螺栓 Rag bolt
軌條梁 Rail beam
聯軌線 Rail bond
軌撐 Rail brace
軌鉗 Rail catch
軌條匐行 Rail creeping
軌條壓嵌 Rail cut
軌條損傷 Rail damage
軌條接頭陷落 Rail joint depression
軌條接頭絕緣 Rail joint insulator
軌條接頭工作 Rail joint work
鋼軌樁 Rail pile
撩道 Rail shifting
勾頭道釘,道釘 Rail spike
軌條矯直機 Rail straightening machine
軌條磨耗限度 Rail wear tolerance
側傾軌條 Rail,canted
碳鋼軌條 Rail,carbon steel
高架軌道 Rail,elevated
帽形軌條 Rail,filled
硬頭軌條 Rail,heat-treated
緩衝軌條 Rail,intermediate
長軌條 Rail,long
主軌 Rail,main
錳合金軌條 Rail,manganesesteel
移動軌條 Rail,movable
短軌條 Rail,shorter
抄平視板 Rail,sight
斜切軌條 Rail,step
轍尖鋼軌 Rail,switch point
異形軌條 Rail,transition