標誌線 Pendent wire灌入式碎石路 Penetration macadam
貫入記錄 Penetration record
凍結深度 Penetration,frost
半島 Peninsula
五棱鏡 Pentagonal prism
每人每日 Per capita per day
脹縮百分率 Percent age of swell and shrinkage
重量百分此 Percentage by weight
成本計酬包工制 Percentage contract
夯實百分比 Percentage of compaction
重復百分比 Percentage of recovery
除去百分率 Percentage reduction
含砂率 Percentage,sand
實積率,實積百分率 Percentage,solid volume
百分位 Percentile
感覺反應時間 Perception time
暫棲泉 Perched spring
暫樓地水位 Perched water table
滲漉率 Percolating rate
滲漉率 Percolation rate
衝擊式鑽土機 Percussion boring machine
撞擊式鑽孔 Percussion drilling
長流泉 Perennial spring
長流河川 Perennial stream
完整構架 Perfect frame
完全溢流 Perfect overflow
完全彈性體 Perfectly elastic body
有孔套管井 Perforated casing well
多孔蓋O Perforated cover plate
多孔管 Perforated drain pipe
鑽孔深入率 Performance,drilling
鎂磁鐵 Periclase
近地點潮 Perigee tide
周動混凝 Perikinetic coagulation
海灘 Perils of sea
標稱周長 Perimeter,nominal
周邊接縫 Perimetrical joint
非灌溉期 Period non-irrigation
集流時間 Period of concentration
生長衰減期 Period of declining growth
自解期 Period of endogenous respiration