童禿山 Denuded mountain祛氧常數 Deoxygenation constant
祛氧串常數 Deoxygenation rate constant
依賴人口 Dependent population
減氧 Depetion,oxygen
祛酚 Dephenolation
周期性涸竭 Depletion,cyclic
人口減少 Depopulation
風積土 Deposit,aeolian
沖積層 Deposit,alluvium
沼積土 Deposit,backswamp
粘土層 Deposit,clay
洪積層 Deposit,diluvium
冰積土 Deposit,glacial-fluvial
冰河湖積土 Deposit,glacial-lake
湖積層 Deposit,lacustine
沿岸沈積物 Deposit,littoral
海底沈積物 Deposit,marine
洗演帶沈積 Deposit,meander-belt
污泥沈積 Deposit,sludge
此沈積 Deposit,specific
表層堆積物 Deposit,surface
岩錐堆積土 Deposit,talus
造陸堆積物 Deposit,terrigenous
焊著金屬 Deposited metal
滯積沈泥 Deposited silt
貨站 Depot,freight
衰落區域 Depressed region
衰落地區 Depressed,area
窪地泉 Depressing spring
泄降 Depression head
二點彎折 Depression,two-point
積深取樣法 Depth integration sampling
碎波水深 Depth of breaking
堤基深度 Depth of embedment
沒水深度 Depth of flooding water
水凍深度 Depth of frost penetration
基地進深 Depth of lot
水深 Depth of water
深度此 Depth ratio
深度流速曲線 Depth velocity curve
容許T水深度 Depth,allowable flooding