地面定線 Alignment,surface脂肪族化合物 Aliphatic compound
含鹼量 Alkali content
骨材鹼性反應 Alkali-aggregate reactie
鹼性土壤 Alkaline soil
烷基苯磺酸鹽 Alkyl benzene sulfonate
放領地 Alloted land
容許銎茪O Allowable bearing power
容許蚗ㄓO Allowable bearing pressure
容許T水深度 Allowable flooding depth
軌道不整裕度 Allowance of track irregularity
合金鋼條 Alloy bar
合金鉛管 Alloyed-lead pipe
沖積河槽 Alluvial channel
沈積扇 Alluvial fan
沖積平原 Alluvial plain
沖積坡泉 Alluvial slope spring
沖積層 Alluvium deposit
全焊接鋼橋 All-welded bridge
靠泊船席 Alongside berth
變質 Alteration
交替方式 Alternate system
砂礫灘 Alternating bar
交替設施 Alternating device
換色定閃光 Alternating fixed and flashing light
換色群定閃光 Alternating fixed and group flashing light
換色閃光 Alternating flashing light
換色群閃光 Alternating group flashing light
換色群掩光 Alternating group occulting light
換色回轉光 Alternating revolving light
輪作用水 Alternative water use
鋁熱反應 Alumino-thermic reactio
可用水分 AM (Avilable moisture)
黃燈 Amber light
救護艇 Ambulance lighter
第三象限法(製圖) American projection
軍火碼頭 Ammunition wharf
分期償付 Amor tisation
共振幅 Amplitude of resonance
振幅 Amplitude of vibration
娛樂中心 Amusement center
厭氧菌 Anaerobic bacteria