加权数误差 weight error权数函数 weight function
载货率(%) weight load factor (%)
加权法 weight method
加权总合指数 weighted aggregate index number
加权算术平均数 weighted arithmetic mean
加权平均(数) weighted average
加权测验 weighted battery
加权复合相对指数 weighted composite relative index number
加权几何平均数 weighted geometric mean
加权指数 weighted index number
加权最小平方法 weighted least squares
加权线性回归 weighted linear regression
加权平均数 weighted mean
加权移动平均数 weighted moving average
加权观测值 weighted observations
加权平方误差损失函数 weighted squared error loss function
加权平方和 weighted sum of squares
加权 weighting
加权系数 weighting coefficient
加权设计 weighting design
加权因子 weighting factor
加权法 weighting method
指数加权 weighting of index numbers
加权抽样 weighting sampling
Westenberg‘s interquartile range test Westenberg内四分位数全距检定
白(杂)讯 white noise
Whittaker periodogram Whittaker周期图
Whittle distribution Whittle分布;Whittle分配
趸售物价指数;批发物价指数 wholesale price index
趸售物价指数;批发物价指数 wholesale price index number
批发业统计 wholesale statistics
批发业 wholesale trade
广义平稳的 wide-sense stationary
广义平稳时间数列 wide-sense stationary time series
组距 width of class
Wiener-Hopf technique Wiener-Hopf技巧
Wiener-Khintchine theorem Wiener-Khintchine定理
Wiener process Wiener过程
Wilcoxon-Pitman efficiency Wilcoxon-Pitman有效性
Wilcoxon signed rank Wilcoxon符号秩
Wilcoxon signed rank test Wilcoxon符号秩检定