定理 theorem理论分布 theoretical distribution
理论误差 theoretical error
理论次数 theoretical frequencies
理论平均数 theoretical mean
理论众数 theoretical mode
理论动差 theoretical moment
理论机率 theoretical probability
理论统计学 theoretical statistics
理论变数 theoretical variable
近似理论;逼近理论 theory of approximation
估计理论 theory of estimation
赛局论 theory of games
大样本理论 theory of large samples
机率论 theory of probability
回归理论 theory of regression
可靠度理论 theory of reliability
抽样理论 theory of sampling
抽样分布理论 theory of sampling distribution
小样本理论 theory of small samples
假设检定理论 theory of testing of hypotheses
Thiele‘s semi-invariant Thiele半不变量
第三四分位数 third quartile
Thomas distribution Thomas分布;Thomas分布
Thompson‘s rule Thompson规则
Thorndike chart Thorndike图
三维格子 three dimensional lattice
三点试验 three point assay
三级数定理 three series theorem
三维投影图 three-dimensional projection charts
三标准差界限 three-sigma limits
三标准差规则 three-sigma rule
三段丛聚抽样 three-stage cluster sampling
三段最小平方 three-stage least squares
三向分类;三因子分类 three-way classification
三向配置;三因子配置 three-way layout
临界参数;最低故障时间参数 threshold parameter
钩记制度 tick system
标签抽样 ticket sampling
连结双重变换设计 tied double change over design
平秩 tied ranks
同分值 ties