正交过程 orthogonal processes正交随机变数 orthogonal random variables
正交回归 orthogonal regression
正交方阵 orthogonal squares
直交表 orthogonal table
正交检定 orthogonal tests
正交变换 orthogonal transformation
随机向量的正交变换 orthogonal transformations of random vectors
正交变量变换 orthogonal variate transformation
正交向量 orthogonal vectors
正交性 orthogonality
设计的正交性 orthogonality of designs
正交化过程 orthogonalization process
正交正规系统 orthonormal system
波动;振动 oscillation
波动过程 oscillatory process
接触内插 osculatory interpolation
其他公共外债 other external public debts
超出管制状态 out of control state
结果 outcome
外侧管制界限 outer control limit
出厂检验 outgoing inspection
出厂产品 outgoing product
出厂品质曲线 outgoing quality curve
离群值倾向的分布 outlier prone distributions
离群值 outliers
迁出人口数 out-migrants
迁出(入)率 out-migrants (immigrants) rate
外在变异 outward variation
全部数据 overall data
总估计值 over-all estimate
残差全绘图 overall plot of residuals
总抽样率 over-all sampling fraction
总变异数 over-all variance
总变异 over-all variation
过度离势 overdispersion
高估 overestimation
过度配适 overfitting
过度识别 overidentification
过度识别 over-identification
重迭设计 overlap design
重迭系数 overlapping coefficient