期望值 expectation期望寿命;平均寿命 expected life
期望损失 expected loss
预期边际损失 expected marginal loss
预期边际收益 expected marginal profit
期望平均数 expected mean
期望常态计分检定 expected normal scores test
期望机率 expected probability
期望机率单位 expected probit
预期收益 expected profit
完全情报的预期收益 expected profit with perfect information
期望风险 expected risk
期望抽出率 expected sampling fraction
预期效用 expected utility
期望值;平均值 expected value
随机变数的期望值 expected value of a random variable
均方误差的期望值 expected value of mean square error
统计量的期望值 expected value of the statistic
期望寿命 expecting life
支出法 expenditure method
对国民生产毛额的支出 expenditure on gross national product
实验 experiment
实验分析 experiment analysis
混合实验 experiment with mixture
实验资料 experimental data
实验设计模型 experimental design model
实验设计 experimental designs
实验误差 experimental error
实验因子 experimental factor
实验方法 experimental method
实验心理学 experimental psychology
实验单位 experimental unit
实验变数 experimental variable
解释变数 explanatory variable
显性权数 explicit weight
探索资料分析 exploratory data analysis (EDA)
探索调查 exploratory survey
发散过程 explosive process
发散随机差分方程式 explosive stochastic difference equation
指数曲线 exponential curve
指数分布;指数分配 exponential distribution
指数族 exponential family