绊 tripping三杀 tripple play
自由车竞赛场 truck
步行爬泳法 trudgen crawl stroke
体后弯立 trunk backward standing
体前弯立 trunk forward bending standing
体侧弯立 trunk sideward standing
持球触地 try
预选选拔 try out
练习用双人小艇 tub pair
拔河 tug of war
滚翻运动 tumbling
转 turning
回归柱 turning post
二十五码线 twenty five yards line
转体跳水 twist dive
双手低传 two handed underhand pass
两臂提举 two hands clean and jerk
两臂硬举 two hands dead lift
两臂推举 two hands military press
两臂抓举 two hands snatch
两臂摆举 two hands swing
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