胸厚测量尺 chest depth caliper扩胸器(弹簧) chest expander
胸围 chest girth
静式蹬足上 chest heave (still upstart)
胸前传球 chest pass
推胸 chest pull
扩胸器(滑车负重扩胸器) chest pulley weight
胸前掷篮 chest shot
田赛裁判长 chief (head) field judge
检察长 chief (head) inspector
总裁判 chief (head) judge
终点裁判长 chief (head) judge of finish
计时长 chief (head) timer
径赛裁判长 chief (head) track judge
引体向上 chinning
换足花式 choatew figure
锁喉 choke hold
砍击 chop stroke
平臂撑 christushang (crucifix)
实足年龄 chronological age
前进滑步 chug step
回环 circle
圆梯 circle ladder
绕 circling
圆转揉捏法 circular kneading method
旋转吊环 circular travelling ring outfit
心脏障碍 cirdiac lesion
击锁骨 clavicle stroke
土场 clay court
泥质活动靶 clay pigeon
直接中篮(空心投篮) clean shot
检录员 clerk of course
绝壁 cliff
爬山靴 climbing shoes
临诊 clinical aspect
木屐舞 clog dance
并臂握 close grip
并腿跳 close leg jump
畸形足 club foot
棍棒操 club swing
教练员;(指导员) coach
指导员区 coach‘s box