扩散叶 Vane, diffuser播散叶 Vane, diffusion
双尖叶 Vane, double cusped
导叶 Vane, guide
转轮叶 Vane, runner
单动叶 Vane, single moving
不动叶 Vane, stationary
风向标 Vane, wind
水气,汽 Vapor
空中水气 Vapor, atmospheric
汽膨胀 Vapor, expansion of
饱和汽膨胀 Vapor, expansion of saturated
水气,汽 Vapor, water
变率 Variability
日变化 Variation, diurnal
周期变化 Variation, periodic
季节变化 Variation, seasonal
流速,速度 Velocity
流速 Velocity of discharge
廻旋速度 Velocity of whirl
绝对流速 Velocity, absolute
传声速度 Velocity, acoustic
实际流速 Velocity, actual
角速 Velocity, angular
视流速 Velocity, apparent
接近流速 Velocity, approach
平均流速 Velocity, average
临界流速 Velocity, critical
有效流速 Velocity, effective
冲刷流速 Velocity, erosive
变化流速 Velocity, fluctuation
射流速 Velocity, jet
线向速度 Velocity, linear
平均流速 Velocity, mean
不等流速 Velocity, non uniform
相对流速 Velocity, relative
冲刷流速 Velocity, scouring
渗流速度 Velocity, seepage
啧水速度 Velocity, spouting
亚临界流速 Velocity, sub critical
亚音速 Velocity, sub-sonic
超临界流速 Velocity, supercritical