水闸,泄水道,排淤道 Sluice双向流水闸 Sluice, double-beat
冲砂闸,冲砂道 Sluice, scouring
阈下冲砂道 Sluice, sill
坍度,坍陷 Slump
障木 Snag
除障木 Snagging
保雪 Snow, conservation of
最大雪量 Snow, maximum
残雪 Snow, residual
雪比深 Snow, specific depth of
轴窝,插座 Socket
草皮 Sod
铺草皮 Sodding
土壤 Soil
非原状土样 Soil sample, disturbed
非原状土样 Soil sample, remolded
原状土样 Soil sample, undisturbed
土壤通气 Soil, aeration of
碱性土壤 Soil, alkali
杂质土壤 Soil, allied
冲积土 Soil, alluvial
沼泽土 Soil, bog
涌土 Soil, boiling
土壤分类 Soil, classification of
无黏性土壤 Soil, cohesionless
黏性土壤 Soil, cohesive
腐蚀土壤 Soil, corrosive
洪积土壤 Soil, diluvial
土壤排水能力 Soil, drainability of
膨胀土壤 Soil, expansive
级配土壤 Soil, graded
重质土 Soil, heavy
土壤润湿度 Soil, hygroscopicity of
土壤渗透量 Soil, infiltration-capacity of
饱和土壤 Soil, saturated
稳定土壤 Soil, stabilized
下层土壤 Soil, sub
基层土壤,基土 Soil, subgrade
表层土壤,表土 Soil, surface
表层土壤 Soil, top
胶结体 Sol