自由淹灌 Flooding, free船闸底 Floor, lock
流量,水流, 流 Flow
急流 Flow, torrential
反常流 Flow, abnormal
加速流 Flow, accelerated
实有流量 Flow, actual
等能流,等热流 Flow, adiabatic
可用流量 Flow, available
轴流 Flow, axial
水流轴线 Flow, axis of
基流 Flow, base
毛管流 Flow, capillary
穴流 Flow, cavern
化学测验流速 Flow, chemical gaging of
可压缩流 Flow, compressible
抅限流 Flow, confined
等量流 Flow, constant
连续流性 Flow, continuity of
连续流 Flow, continuous
收束流 Flow, converging
临界流 Flow, critical
曲线流 Flow, curvilinear
不足流 Flow, deficient
偏向流 Flow, deflected
异重流 Flow, density
偏向流 Flow, deviated
扩散流 Flow, divergent
旱季流 Flow, dry weather
涡流 Flow, eddy
有效流量 Flow, effective
洪水流量 Flow, flood
流体流 Flow, fluid
自由流 Flow, free
无滞流 Flow, frictionless
全滞流 Flow, fully viscous
渐加速流 Flow, gradually accelerated
渐减速流 Flow, gradually retarded
渐变速流 Flow, gradually varied
重力流 Flow, gravity
地下水流 Flow, ground water
漩流 Flow, helical