坞室 Chamber, dock浮室 Chamber, float
闸门室 Chamber, gate
丁坝室 Chamber, groin
闸室 Chamber, lock
平压室 Chamber, surge
涡卷室 Chamber, volute
涡流室 Chamber, vortex
工作室 Chamber, working
等温变化 Change, isothermal
体变 Change, volumetric
渠,水道,河槽 Channel
航道标志 Channel demarcation
退水道 Channel of retreat
水道定线 Channel, alignment of
引水道 Channel, approaching
人工水道 Channel, artificial
深泓线 Channel, axis of
绕过水道 Channel, by-pass
溢流水道 Channel, by-wash
收束水道 Channel, converging
输水道 Channel, conveyance
潮积法 Channel, cubature of
排水道 Channel, drainage
易蚀水道 Channel, erodible
洪水河槽 Channel, flood
平底水道 Channel, horizontal
天然水道 Channel, natural
天然排水道 Channel, natural drainage
明渠 Channel, open
定形槽 Channel, prismatic
正槽 Channel, proper
水道改善 Channel, rectification of
河槽 Channel, river
旋转水道 Channel, rotating
侧槽 Channel, side
尾水道 Channel, tail
退水道 Channel, waste
夏诺安坝 Chanoine dam
夏诺安门牐 Chanoine shutter
夏诺安闸门 Chanoine shutter gate
夏诺安堰 Chanoine weir