鹈捕鱼 fishing with cormorants无鱼栖息;无鱼肉 fishless
鱼贩 fishmonger
养鱼池;[甲板上的]贮鱼池 fishpond
鱼池溢水路 fish-pond spillway
鱼皮 fishskin
鱼鳞癣 fishskin disease; ichthyosis
鱼筑 fishweir; frith
分裂菌寄生病 fission-fungus parasitic disease
定置渔具 fixed gear; fishing gear; stationary fishing gear
定刺网 fixed gill net
定置网 fixed net; fixed shore net; fixed shore trap
旗标 flag buoy
鞭毛 flagella
晒鱼棚 flake
卷边校正管 flange rectifier
罐胴翻口机 flanger
火光诱导法 flash revulsion
扁鱼 flat fish
扁平酸败 flat sour
捕鲸用平头铦 flat-headed harpoon
小型桁曳网 fleer; drag; fluke trawl
流刺网之引扬纲 fleet rope
船团的拖网船总称 fleeter
船团组织 fleeting
剥取脂肪或皮 flense
解剖甲板 flensing deck
解剖员 flensing-man; flenser
半膨胀罐 flipper
浮性水生植物 floating aquatic plants
浮敷网 floating lift net
浮延绳钓 floating long-line
浮落网 floating net
浮曳网 floating trawl
浮曳绳钓 floating trawl-line
海鸟群 flock of sea birds
泛溢式蒸发法 flooded evaporating process
泛溢式 flooded type
开花水生植物 flowering aquatic plant
魟;鲽类;锚爪;锚掌 fluke
河川性{鱼类} fluvial
蚊钩盒 fly book