鲤鱼 common carp鬼头刀 common dolphin
共同渔业 common fishery
鸟鱼 common mullet
鱆鱼 common octopus
入渔权人 common of piscary operrator
入渔权 common of piscary; common of piscary right; fishing right
海鲈鱼 common sea bass
蝾螺 common spiny whelk
鱿 common squid
丁挽旧旗鱼 common sword fish
完全杀菌 complete sterility
组成 composition
堆肥 compost
配合饲料 compound feed; formula feed
压缩机;链掣 compressor
密集群 concentrated schooling
鱼群密度 concentration of fish
螺 conch
贝类学 conchology
调味料 condiment
肥满度 condition factor; fatness
调理水 conditioned water
圆锥形网 conical net
水产资源保护 conservation of aquatic resources
资源保护 conservation of resources
恒速干燥 constant rate of drying
接触式冻结法 contact freezing
触感器官 contact organ
污染影响 contamination effect
最大持续生产量 continued maximum sustained yield; maximum sustained yiled {= MSY}
回转式杀菌釜 continuous cooker
逆捻 converse twist
转换系数;增肉系数 conversion conefficient [= conversion factor]
囊网 cood end; purse
蒸煮器 cooker; digester
变温动物 cool blood animal
冷却装置 cooling apparatus
冷却机 cooling machine
冷却面 cooling surface
冷却槽 cooling tank
挠脚类 copepods