血蚶 blood clam血蛭 blood flukes
血粉 blood meal
红筋虫 blood worm
微藻繁盛 bloom of algae
海兽油 blubber oil
鲸肥肉 blubbermeat of whale
青肉 blue meat
苇切鲨 blue shark
青价 blue value
白长须鲸 blue whale
红鲑 blueback salmon
鲹鱼类 blue-fish
蓝绿藻 blue-green algae
青囊病 blue-sac disease
青黏液病 blue-slime disease
网板 board; otter board; trawl door
缘编 boareing; head meshing
船曳网 boat haul seine
双袋网 boat seine of pants-type
钓具用浮子 bob
漂筒 bobbin
穿饵钓线钓鳗法 bobbling
罐钩 body hook
体长{由吻端至尾鳍基部的长度} body length
身网 body of the net
体腔式鱼签 body-cavity fish tag
金属制的浮子 bog
沼地;泥炭地 bog land
脓肿病{鱼病} boil disease
煮干品 boil-dried product
白煮 boiling
沈子缘纲 bolch line
骨鳞 bone scale
正鲣类 bonito
灰鲭鲛 bonito shark
鲣节;柴鱼 bonito stick
活饵竿钓 bonito style fishing
浮游生物大量繁殖 booming of plankton
缘网 border net; selvage strip
缘纲 border rope; little boish
网幅目数 boreadth depth