水生生物 aquatic biota水栖昆虫 aquatic insects
水产植物 aquatic plants
水产资源 aquatic resources; fishery stock; stock
池塘养殖 aquiculture in farm pond
浅海养殖 aquiculture in shallow sea
射水鱼;箭鱼 archer fish
弓形标鱼签 archer fish tag
北洋捕鲸用铦 arctic whaling iron
群集区域 area of concentration
收敛线区域 area of convergence
发散水域 area of divergence
涌升流水域 area of upwelling
袖网;荒手网 arm of seine
渔法;渔捞技术 art of fishing
拟饵 artificial bait
拟饵钩 artificial bait hook; jig hook; lure; ripper
人工鱼礁筑矶 artificial bank
人工育苗 artificial breeding
人工采卵 artificial egg taking
人工授精 artificial fertilization
人造真珠 artificial fertilized pearl
鱼类人工繁殖 artificial fish breeding; fish artificial propagation
人工饲料 artificial food
人工孵化放流 artificial hatching and plantation
人工繁殖;人工放流 artificial propagation
花鲫鱼科的一种 atka mackerel
阿金氏孵化器 atki‘s incubator
阿金氏孵化设备 atkin incubation apparatus
阿金氏标鱼签 atkin‘s fish tag
大气式凝缩器 atmospheric type condenser
附属渔船 attendant fishing-boat
集鱼灯 attracting fish lamp
诱引渔法 attraction fishery method
当地产腐植物 autochthonous detritus
撷抗作用 autogonism
自家消化 autolysis
自动压盖机;自动压榨机 automatic press
真空式自动封罐机 automatic sanitary vacuum seamer
沿岸自行光合植物 autotrophic littoral flora
自营植物性浮游生物 autotrophic phytoplankton
副船 auxiliary boat