营养平衡 nutritive equilibrium营养层 nutritive layer
营养物质 nutritive material
营养器官 nutritive organ
营养潜力 nutritive potential
营养根 nutritive root
营养盐类 nutritive salts
营养刺激 nutritive stimulus
营养物质 nutritive substance
营养共生 nutritive symbiosis
营养组织 nutritive tissue
营养价 nutritive value
坚果外壳 nutshell
马钱子;番木鳖 Nux vomica; Strychnos nux-vomica
夜繁花科;紫茱莉科 Nyctaginaceae; four-o‘clock family; Nyctagos
夜繁花科;紫茱莉科 Nyctagos; foru o‘clock; Nyctaginaceae
台阁蕈属夜素馨属(木樨科) Nyctalis
就眠运动;睡眠运动 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L.; night jasmine; tree of sadness; tree of sadness; Indian moumer
夜素馨;红脚花 Nyctanthes; night jasmine
夜透性浮游生物 nyctinastic movement; sleep movement; nyctitropism
向夜性 nyctinasty
感夜运动 nyctipelagic plankton
睡莲属 nyctitropism
青花睡莲 Nymphaea caerulea Sav.; blue lotus of Egypt
好望角睡莲 Nymphaea capensis Thunb.; Cape water-lily; Cape blue water-lily
埃及白睡莲 Nymphaea lotus L.; white lotus of Egypt
黄花睡莲 Nymphaea mexicana Zucc.; yellow water-lily; yellow Mexican water-lily
香睡莲 Nymphaea odorata Ait.; sweet scented water-lily; american water-lily; fragrant water-lily
红花睡莲 Nymphaea rubra Roxb.; red Indian water-lily
睡莲;子午莲 Nymphaea tetragona Georgi var. angusta Casp. subvar. orientalis Casp.
块茎睡莲 Nymphaea tuberosa Paine; magnolia water-lily
白花睡莲 Nymphaea; Egypotian lotus; nymphea; pond-lily
睡莲目 Nymphaeales
睡莲亚目 Nymphaeineae
睡莲科 Nympheaceae; water-lily family
金银莲花(草花谱) Nymphoides indica O. Kuntze
荇菜(诗经);莕菜(唐本草);茆 Nymphoides peltatum Britt et Bend
兰果树属;紫树属(珙桐科) Nyssa
珙桐科 Nyssa family; Nyssaceae
云南紫树(陈嵘) Nyssa javanica Wagner
蓝(兰)果树;紫树(宜兴) Nyssa sinensis Oliv.
珙桐科 Nyssaceae
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