圆水松藻 Codium mamillosum Harv.水松藻(P.) Codium tomentosum Stack.
等显性;共显性 codominance
等显性的;共显性的 codominant
密码子;基码 codon
吊钟藻属(鞭) Codonocladium
羊乳(别录);土党参(图考);奶树(H.C.)(G.) Codonopsis lanceolata Benth. et Hook. Fil.
党参(本草从新)(纲目拾遗) Codonopsis pilosula Nanfeldt
川党参(药材学) Codonopsis tangshen Oliv.
奶树(图考);山海螺(图考) Codonopsis ussuriensis Hemsl.
羊乳属(桔梗科) Codonopsis; bellwort
畸变系数 coefficient of aberration production (Lea & Catcheside 1942)
吸收系数 coefficient of absorption
偶合系数 coefficient of coincidance(Muller 1916)
群落系数 coefficient of community
相关系数 coefficient of correlation
死亡系数 coefficient of crossing of destruction
扩散系数 coefficient of diffusion
近亲交配系数 coefficient of inbreeding (Wright 1927)
损害系数 coefficient of injury
统合系数 coefficient of integration
隔离系数 coefficient of isolation
亲缘系数 coefficient of kinship
亲缘系数 coefficient of parentage
近缘系数 coefficient of relationship
呼吸系数 coefficient of respiration
再接合系数 coefficient of reunion (Darlington & Upcott 1941)
选种系数;淘汰系数 coefficient of selection
气体溶解系数 coefficient of solubility of a gas
交叉移端系数 coefficient of terminlization
蒸散系数 coefficient of transpiration
能量利用系数 coefficient of utilization energy
变异系数 coefficient of variation
四联藻科(绿) Coelastraceae
橡扣树属(棕榈科) Coelococcus
橡扣树(通称);象牙椰子 Coelococcus carolinensis dingl.; ivory nut palm; C. amicarum Warb.; Sagus amicarum Wendl.
茅菰(H.N.);茅慈菇(H.N.)(G.);珍珠七(H.N.);山茨菇(G.);光菇(G.) Coelogyne bulbodiscoides Franch.
贝母(D.) Coelogyne pogonioides rolfe
山前胡(香芹科) Coelopleurum multisectum Kitagawa; Angelica multisecta Maxim
黄金银花类(忍冬科) Coeloxylosteum
多胞体 coenobium
花序聚合果 coenocarpium