桂氏有角坚果凤尾蕉 Ceratozamia kuesteriana Regel(日名:苏铁) Ceratozamia latifolia Miquel; C. longifolia hort
海檬果属;山檨仔属(夹竹桃科) Cerbera
阳春核(H.M.) Cerbera chinensis Spr.; Disslaena verticillata Lour.
山檨仔(台湾);海檬果 Cerbera manghas L.
山檨仔(K.F.);猴欢喜(F.N.) Cerbera odollam Gaertn.
连香树科;紫荆叶科 Cercidiphyllaceae; katsura-tree family
连香树属 Cercidiphyllum
美洲紫荆 Cercis canadensis L.; Judas-tree; redbud
紫荆(开宝)(图考)(花镜)(Br.);紫珠(P.);内消(P.);裸枝树(D.);萝筐树(H.C.)(G.);箩筐桑(H.C.):满条红(广群芳谱)(花镜);花苏枋木(日本) Cercis chinensis Bge.; Chineses redbud
黄山紫荆 Cercis chingii chun.
巨紫荆 Cercis gigantea Cheng et Keng f.
湖北紫荆 Cercis glabra pamp
丽江紫荆 Cercis likiangensis Chun
垂丝紫荆 Cercis racemosa Oliv.; raceme redbud
西洋紫荆 Cercis siliquastrum L.; Judas-tree
紫荆属(豆科) Cercis; Judas-tree; redbud
菾菜斑点病菌属 Cercospora
洋麻叶煤病菌 Cercospora abelmoschi Ellis et Everhart; Cercospora leaf spot of the amberihemp
合子草角斑病菌 Cercospora actinoslemmae Saw.
蔏麻叶斑病菌 Cercospora althaeina Sacc.; leaf spot of the abutilon hemp
美洲藜草紫班病菌 Cercospora anthelminthica a.tkinson; violet spot of the Chenopodium anthelminthicum L.
芹菜黑斑病菌 Cercospora apii Fresenius
落花生褐斑病菌 Cercospora arachidicola Hori; Leaf spot of the peanut; Mycosphaerella arachidicola (Hori) Jenkins
牛蒡角斑病菌 Cercospora arctiambrosiae Halsted
甘藷角斑病菌 Cercospora batatae Zimmerman; C.timorensis Cooke
甜菜褐斑病菌 Cercospora belicola Saccardo; Cercospora leaf spot of the sugar beet
苎麻角斑病菌 Cercospora boehmeriae Peck; angular leaf spot of the ramie
油菜斑纹病菌 Cercospora brassicola P.Henn.; leaf spot of the rape
赤豆褐斑病菌 Cercospora canescens Ellis et Martin
大麻褐斑病菌 Cercospora cannabis Hara et Fukui
胡萝菔斑点病菌 Cercospora carotae(Pass.) Solheim
茼蒿叶炫f菌 Cercospora chrysanthemi-conronarii Saw.
洋橄榄紫斑病菌 Cercospora cladosporioides Sacc.; violet spot of the olive
黄麻黑星病菌 Cercospora corchori Saw.; black spot of the jute
豇豆、菜豆、赤豆煤徽病菌 Cercospora cruenta sacc.
大豆斑点病菌 Cercospora daizu Miura; Cercospora leaf spot of the soy bean; frog eye disease of the soy bean; C. sojina Hara
毛地黄斑点病菌 Cercospora digitalis Nakata et Takimoto
豇豆斑点病菌 Cercospora dolichi Ellis et Everhart; C.vignae Raciborski; C.raciborskii Matsumoto et Nagaoko; C.neovignae Yamamoto
楮树斑点病菌 Cercospora edgeworthiae Hori; leaf spot of the paper-bush
枇把角斑病菌 Cercospora eriobotryae Enjoji
蚕豆斑叶病菌 Cercospora fabae Fautrey; ring spot of the broad bean; zonate leaf spot of the broad bean; C.zonata Winter