鸟毛蕨 Blechnum nipponicum Mak.鸟毛蕨 Blechnum orientale L.
狮子头草;鸟毛蕨草(D.) Blechnum spicans Roth
血友病(伤口出血不凝病) bleeder disease; haemophilia
溢泌液 bleeding fluid; bleeding water
荷包牡丹;璎珞牡丹 bleeding heart Dicentra spectabilis DC.
融合遗传 bleeding inheritance; blending inheritance
溢泌压 bleeding pressure
溢泌液 bleeding water; bleeding fluid
溢液现象;泌液现象 bleeding; exudation
融合性状 blending character
生毛体;毛基体 blepharoplast(Webber 1897)
松叶鳞藓属 Blepharostoma
松叶鳞藓 Blepharostoma trichophyllum Dum.
白及属(兰科) Bletilla
白及(本经) (图考);百芨(H.C.);白苙(G.);紫蕙(H.M.);箬兰 (群芳谱) (花镜) (本草汇);白芨 (本草汇言) (本草汇);紫兰 (日本) 疫病 Bletilla striata(Thunb.)Reichb.f.
疫病 blight
香石竹斑点病 blight of the carnation; Alternaria disanthi Stevens et Hall
香石竹疫病 blight of the carnation; Phytophthora sp.
花芽发育中止 blind
土沈香 blindign tree; milky mangrove; Excoecaria agallocha L.
基因座群突变;区段突变(第一次)间拔;伞拔 block mutation
莲生桂子花;马 blocking; spacing
利筋 blood flower; Asclepias curassavica L.
血型 blood group
红苋属;圆叶苋属(苋科) blood leaf Iresine herbstii
血统 blood line
血根草(罂粟科) blood root
输血 blood transfusion
血型 blood type
墨水树 blood wood tree; logwood; Haematoxylon campechianum L.
血草科(单);粉条菜科 bloodwort famity; Haemodoraceae
(棉铃)吐絮 blooming of boll
花 blossom; flower
顶腐病 blossom-end rot
斑痣病;斑炫f blotch
越橘(闽书)类 blue berry; Vaccinium spp.
青花树(鼠李科) blue blossom Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Eschch.
蓝雏菊 blue daisy; blue marguerite; Felicia amelloides Voss
欧洲菊苣 blue dandelion; chicory; succory; Cichorium intybus L.
蓝绿藻;蓝藻 blue green algae; blue algae; Cyanophyceae
蓝桉 blue gum; blue tree; Eucalyptus globulus Labill