平面成层构造 horizontal stratification侯恩重复度量度 Horn‘s measurement of overlap
细川氏线 Hosokawa‘s line
寄主 host
寄主探索 host finding
寄主栖所探索 host habitat finding
寄主植物 host plant
寄主选择 host selection
寄主专一性 host specificity
寄主适合性 host suitability
敌对作用 hostility
寄主-寄生物相互关系 host-parasite interaction
高温沙漠 hot desert
温泉生物 hot-spring organism
滞飞;盘旋 hovering
色调 hue
人为干扰 human disturbance
人类生态学 human ecology
人口 human population
洪博 Humboldt; Alexander von Humboldt 1769-1859
腐植质酸 humic acid
腐植质灰黏土 humic glei soil; humic gley soil
湿度 humidity
腐植化作用 humification
腐植素 humin
腐植食者 humivore
圆丘 hummock
圆丘冻原 hummock tundra
腐植煤 humulite
腐植岩 humulith
腐植质 humus
腐植质层 humus horizon
腐植质湖 humus lake
腐植质层 humus layer
亨廷顿 Huntington; Ellsworth Huntington 1876-1947
胡而伯均匀度量测 Hurlbert‘s measure of evenness
飓风 hurricane
排水细胞 hydathodal cell
排水毛 hydathodal hair
排水孔(腺) hydathode
湿性演替;湿性消长 hydrarch succession
水合〔作用〕 hydration