热力学能量方程 thermodynamic energy equation热力方程 thermodynamic equation
热力学霜点温度 thermodynamic frost-point temperature
热力学状态函数 thermodynamic function of state
热力学冰球温度 thermodynamic ice-bulb temperature
热力位 thermodynamic potential
热力机率 thermodynamic probability
热力过程 thermodynamic process
温度热力标 thermodynamic scale of temperature
热力成层 thermodynamic stratification
热力温度 thermodynamic temperature
热力温标 thermodynamic temperature scale
热力变数 thermodynamic variable
热力学湿球温度 thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature
热力学 thermodynamics
热电日射仪 thermoelectric actinograph
热电日射计 thermoelectric actinometer
热电温度计 thermoelectric thermometer
热组件 thermo-element
温度自记曲线 thermogram
温度仪 thermograph
温度仪订正表 thermograph correction card
测温法 thermography
温盐环流 thermohaline circulation
温湿图 thermohyet diagram
温湿自记曲线 thermohygrogram
温湿仪 thermohygrograph
温湿计 thermohygrometer
恒温湿器 thermo-hygrostat
热量累积器 thermo-integrator
等温线 thermo-isopleth
热偶温度计 thermo-junction thermometer
冰融地形 thermokarst topography
热发光 thermoluminescence
热发光定年[法] thermoluminescence dating
温度计 thermometer
温度计球部 thermometer bulb
温度计柱 thermometer column
温度计订正[值] thermometer correction
温度计浮标 thermometer float
百叶箱 thermometer screen
百叶箱 thermometer shelter