技术摘记 technical note技术规范 technical regulation
技术报告 technical report
台宛太白风 tehuantepecer
电信 telecommunication
电信枢纽 telecommunication hub
遥联;遥相关 teleconnection
遥联型;遥相关型 teleconnection pattern
遥测术 telemetry
载冰 telescoped ice
电传印字机 teletype
泰洛斯卫星 television and infrared observation satellite (TIROS)
电报 telex
大气吸收线 telluric lines
温带 temperate belt
温带气候 temperate climate
温带夏雨气候 temperate climate with summer rain
温带冬雨气候 temperate climate with winter rain
融期冰川 temperate glacier
中纬度 temperate latitude
温带雨林 temperate rainforest
温带多雨气候 temperate rainy climate
温带西风[带] temperate westerlies
温带西风指数 temperate westerlies index
温带 temperate zone
温度 temperature
温度平流 temperature advection
温度距平 temperature anomaly
温度订正 temperature correction
温度偏差 temperature departure
温效 temperature efficiency
温效指数 temperature efficiency index
温效比 temperature efficiency ratio
温度场 temperature field
温度变动 temperature fluctuation
温度梯度 temperature gradient
温湿红外辐射计 temperature humidity infrared radiometer
逆温[层] temperature inversion
温度直减率 temperature lapse rate
温压曲线 temperature pressure curve
温度分区 temperature province
温度较差 temperature range