热积云 heat cumulus热循环 heat cycle
热能 heat energy
热机 heat engine
热赤道 heat equator
热当量 heat equivalent
热衰竭 heat exhaustion
热通量 heat flux
热通量向量 heat flux vector
热函数 heat function
热指数 heat index
热量输入 heat input
热岛[效应] heat island (effect)
热闪 heat lightning
热低压 heat low
化合热 heat of combination
凝结热 heat of condensation
结晶热 heat of crystallization
溶解热 heat of dissolution
蒸发热 heat of evaporation
凝固热;冻结热 heat of freezing
熔解热 heat of fusion
融解热 heat of melting
凝固热 heat of solidification
溶解热 heat of solution
升华热 heat of sublimation
气化热 heat of vaporization
热污染 heat pollution
热辐射 heat radiation
热线 heat ray
热库 heat reservoir
热汇 heat sink
热源 heat source
热储量 heat storage
热暴 heat storm
热应力 heat stress
热应力指数 heat stress index
中暑 heat stroke
热雷雨 heat thunderstorm
热传[送] heat transfer
热传系数 heat transfer coefficient
热量单位 heat unit