雾级 fog scale雾风 fog wind
雾虹 fogbow
散雾器 fogbroom
雾量计 foggauge
有雾;多雾 foggy
箔 foil
折错频率 folding frequency
折迭点 folding point
折错速度 folding velocity
顺风 following wind
呎烛光 foot-candle
呎朗伯 footlambert
呎磅 foot-pound
呎磅秒制 foot-pound-second system
飓风 foracan
福拉诺风 forano
禁线 forbidden line
禁区 forbidden region
禁制跃迁 forbidden transition
成云禁区 forbidden zone of cloud formation
力 force
万有引力 force of gravitation
重力 force of gravity
强迫振动 forced vibration
强迫对流 forced convection
强迫扩散 forced diffusion
强迫低频变异度 forced low-frequency variability
强迫[波]模 forced mode
强迫振荡 forced oscillation
强迫罗士比波 forced Rossby wave
强迫波 forced wave
强迫风环流 forced wind circulation
强迫[作用] forcing
强迫函数 forcing function
强迫项 forcing term
前兆天空 fore sky
预报 forecast
预报准确率 forecast accuracy
预报修正 forecast amendment
预报区 forecast area
预报公告 forecast bulletin