外波 external wave外界风效应 external wind effect
外功 external work
消光;灭绝 extinction
消光收支 extinction budget
消光系数 extinction coefficient
消光截面 extinction cross-section
超长期预报 extra long-range forecast
超长波 extra-long wave
非常光线 extraordinary ray
非常波 extraordinary wave
外延法 extrapolation
大气顶太阳辐射 extra-terrestrial radiation
温带[的];热带外[的] extratropical
温带环流 extratropical circulation
温带气旋 extratropical cyclone
温带低压 extratropical low
温带行星波 extratropical planetary wave
温带风暴 extratropical storm
温带对流层顶 extratropical tropopause
极端 extreme
极端气候 extreme climate
极端温度 extreme temperature
极[端]值 extreme value
极冷 extremely cold
至高频 extremely high frequency (EHF)
极热 extremely hot
极[端]值 extremes
极值 extremum
目测 eye observation
风暴眼 eye of the storm
台风眼 eye of the typhoon
风眼 eye of the wind
眼墙 eye wall
E-layer E层
E-region E域
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