教学法 Method of instruction; Teaching method; Method of teaching讲演法 Method of lecture; Lecture method
正负例证法 Method of positive and negative cases
背诵法 Method of recitation
再发现法 Method of rediscovery
正误例证法 Method of right and wrong cases
自动教学法 Method of self-activity
教学法 Method of teaching; Teaching method; Method of instruction
叙述法 Method of telling
尝试错误法 Method of trial and error; Trial and error method
证实法 Method of verification
方法论 Methodology
教学单元 Method-whole of teaching; Teaching unit
(一)中学;(二)中学之中间阶段(英) Middle school
中点 Mid-point
军国民主义 Militarism
陆军大学 Military academy
军事教育 Military education
军事学校 Military school
军事训练 Military training
军事训练营 Military training camp
(一)心;(二)心理;(三)精神 Mind
精神训练 Mind training; Mental discipline; Mental training
鑛业教育 Mining education
教育部长 Minister of education; Minister of public instruction
教育部长 Minister of public instruction; Minister of education
教育部 Ministry of education
镜画 Mirror drawing
教会学校 Mission school
教会教育 Missionary education; Church education
记忆术 Mnemonic system; Mnemonics; Memory system
记忆术 Mnemonics; Memory system; Mnemonic system
众数 Mode
教学方式 Mode of teaching
模范课 Model lesson
模范学校 Model school
现代语 Modern language
回教教育 Mohammedan education
寺院学校 Monastery school; Monastic school; Abbey school
寺院教育 Monastic education
寺院学校 Monastic school; Monastery school; Abbey school
导生(英) Monitor