教育全书 Encyclopedia of education;Educational lexicon;Educational cyclopedia捐资设立之学校 Endowed school
持久测验 Endurance test
工学院 Engineering college;Technical college
工程教育 Engineering education
启蒙运动 Enlightenment
注册 Enrollment;Registration
入学年龄 Entrance age;Admission age
入学考试 Entrance examination
入学标准 Entrance requirements;Admission requirements
环境 Enviroment
教堂学校 Episcopal school;Cathedral school
摘要法 Epitome method
等组法 Equivalent-group method
错误曲线 Error curve;Curve of error
世界语 Esperanto
论文式考试 Essay type examination
美育 Esthetic education;Aesthetic culture;Aesthetic education
美学 Esthetics; Aesthetics
伦理教育 Ethical education
伦理学 Ethics
优生学 Eugenics
夜校 Evening school;Night school
进化论派教育学 Evolutionistic pedagogics
(一)考试(二)试验 Examination
考试制度 Examination system
学生交换 Exchange of students
交换教授 Exchange professors
除名 Exclusion from school;Dismissal;Expulsion
例证 Exemplification
(一)免学;(二)免考 Exemption
预期注意 Expectant attention
教学费 Expense of instruction
经验 Experience
实验 Experiment
实验教授学 Experimental didactics
实验教育 Experimental education
实验组 Experimental group
实验法 Experimental method;Laboratory method
实验教育学 Experimental pedagogy
实验心理学 Experimental psychology
实验学校 Experimental school: Laboratory school