免税利益 tax-free profit技术援助 technical allowance or assistance
技术合约 technical contract
技术式损益表,账户式损益表 technical form of profit and loss statement
技术寿命 technological life
电汇 telegraphic transfer,TT
电话电报 telephone and telegraph
出纳 teller
暂记预支 temporary advances
假预算 temporary budget
暂收款项 temporary credit
暂付款项 temporary debit
临时基金 temporary fund
短期投资 temporary investment
暂时借款 temporary loans
暂付款 temporary payments
暂记业主权益账户 temporary proprietorship accounts
暂收款 temporary receipts
共同财产所有者 tenant in common
旬报 ten-day report
付款期限 tenor
暂编平衡表 tentative balance sheet
试编预算,概算 tentative budget
使用年限 tenure of use
一次到期债券 term bonds
应付一次到期债券 term bonds payable
定期放款 term loan
条件 terms
测验,抽查 test
抽查 test check
遗嘱信托 testamentary trust
遗嘱人 testator
理论折旧 theoretical depreciation
三账户制(指在制品账户) three account system
三名汇票 three party draft
备忘记录 tickler
按期排列法 tickler file method
计时簿 time book
计时卡 time card
论时租赁 time charter
核时员 time checker
时间成本,期间成本 time cost,period cost