收货部 receiving department收货部费用 receiving department expense
收货费用 receiving expense
收入传票 receiving slip
收入凭单,收入传票 receiving voucher
相对账户 reciprocal account
认定 recognize
调节,调节表 reconciliation [statement]
公积调节表 reconciliation of surplus
调节银行存款账户 reconciling bank account
调节存货 reconciling inventory
重建 reconstruction
列册日期 record date
现金付出记录 record of cash disbursement
现金收入记录 record of cash receipt
销货记录 record of goods sold
已记录成本 recorded cost
记录价值 recorded value
记录依据,记帐原始依据 recording medium
补偿 recoup
收回,补偿 recover
可收回成本 recoverable cost
可收回支出 recoverable expenditure
可补偿损失 recoverable loss
可收回价值 recoverable value
收回,回收 recovery
收回价值 recovery value
续生收益 recurrent income
续生损益 recurrent profit and loss
续生成本 recurring cost
赎回 redemption
赎债基金,偿债基金 redemption fund,sinking fund
非正式募股书,红鱼募股书 red-herring prospectus
赤字记录 red-ink entry
重贴现 rediscount
再分配成本 redistributed cost
分期递减折旧法 reducing instalment method (of depreciation)
余额式,报告式 reducing-balance form,report form
余额递减折旧法 reducing-balance method (of depreciation)
债务掉期费用 refinancing expense
退款 refund
掉换债券 refunding bond