计件工资率 piece rate计件工资 piece work wage
高帐程序图 plan of accounts
设计计划预算制度 planning-programing-budgeting system,PPBS
厂房,设备 plant
厂房及设备 plant and equipment
产业估价 plant appraisal
产业涨价 plant appreciation
产业基金 plant fund
产业分类帐 plant ledger
厂房维持费 plant maintenance
设备周转率 plant turnover
质押 pledge
质押资产 pledged asset
销货点 point of sale
分离点 point of split off
人口税 poll tax
合资 pooling of capital
合资,合营 pooling of interest
通俗报告 popular reporting
全体,母体 population
港埠费用 port charges
场帐,外币汇兑或期货买卖帐 position bookkeeping
期货买卖单,头寸单 position sheet
财务地位表,财务状况表 position statement
财务地位,财务状况 position,financial condition
正资本 positive capital
肯定询证 positive confirmation
正商誉 positive goodwill
可能债务 possible debt
过帐日页 post reference
过帐 post,posting
邮政汇票 postal money order
事后审计 postaudit
结帐后资产负债表,结帐后平衡表 postclosing balance sheet
结帐后电子表格 postclosing trial balance
远期,注迟日期 postdate
远期支票 postdated check
过帐根据 posting medium
基本假定 postulate
战后准备 postwar reserve
潜在资产 potential asset