商人还款办法 merchant‘s rule,United States rule合伙公司 merged company
吸收合并 merger
注销法 method of check-off
抽查法 method of testing
厂盘净价 mill net price
最低存料量 minimum quantity of stores
最低准备 minimum reserve
最低存量法 minimum stock method
最低与最高存量法 min-max system
少数股权 minority interest
议事录 minute book
滥用 misappropriation
杂项资产 miscellaneous asset
杂项费用 miscellaneous expense
杂项支付 miscellaneous payments
杂项收入 miscellaneous revenue
错误表示 misrepresentation
漏失折扣 missed discount
混合差异 mix variance
混合帐户 mixed account
混合部 mixed department
混合存货 mixed inventory
混合性比率,双重性比率 mixed ratios,duplicate ratios
混合准备 mixed reserve
混合公积 mixed surplus
助忆记号 mnemonic symbols
助忆编号法 mnemonic system
众数 mode
模式 model
修正应计制,修正现金制 modified accrual basis,modified cash basis
货币资产 monetary asset
币值项目,固定币值项目 monetary-value-items
货币 money
等值货币 money equivalent
在途现金,运送中现金 money in transit,cash in transit
短期资金市场 money market
货币价值,货币工资 money‘s worth,money wages
月份经费分配 monthly allotment
月终结帐分录 monthly closing entry
月份财务报表 monthly financial statements
月报 monthly report