一般间接费 general overhead普通合伙人 general partner
普通合伙 general partnership
普通决算表 general purpose statement
普通记录 general records
普通准备 general reserve
普通所入 general revenue
一般公认 generally accepted
一般公认会计原则 generally accepted accounting principle
几何平均数 geometric mean
几何级数 geometric progression
赠与税 gift tax
预期报表 giving-effect statement
国民生产毛额(社会会计) GNP,gross national product
容许袤侜蝢统计品质控制) go-and-not-go gage
继续经营 going concern
继续经营价值 going concern value
货物 goods
货物及劳务 goods and services
在产品,在制品 goods in process,work in process
在运品 goods in transit
存货 goods on hand,inventory
定货 goods on order
承销,承销品 goods-in on consignment,consignment-in
寄销,寄销品 goods-out on consignment,consignment-out
商誉 goodwill
商誉合伙人 goodwill partner
政事费用 government administration expense
公债 government bond
公有财物 government property
征收机关 government revenue collecting offices
政府会计 governmental accounting
政府分担特赋改良物成本 governmental unit‘s share of assessment improvement costs
公营事业 government-operated enterprise
公有营业 government-owned enterprise
宽限期 grace period
补助金 grant,grants-in-aid
图解 graphic solution
图形表 graphic statement
操纵市场,黑市 gray market
总额,毛额 gross
涨价毛额 gross appreciation