中栏分类帐 center-ruled ledger每百元若干分(保险费率) cents percent
确定年金 certain annuity,annuity certain
股票簿 certificate book
查帐证明书 certificate of auditor
资产负债表审核证明书,平衡表审核证明书 certificate of balance sheet
交代清结证明书 certificate of completion of handling over charge
存款证,存款单折 certificate of deposit
公司登记执照 certificate of incorporation
借据 certificate of indebtedness
股票 certificate of stock
保付支票 certified check
审定财务报表 certified financial statement
注册合格会计师,会计师 certified public accountant,CPA
付款签证员 certifying officer
信托受益人 cestui que trust
信托受益人(复数) cestuis que trustent
连锁折扣 chain discount
找换金 change fund
特殊折扣 channel discount
性质别分类(帐目) character classification
开支,借项 charge
出帐,冲销 charge off
赊销 charge sales
赊销发票 charge tickets
资本支出 charge to capital,capital expenditure
经管财产收支表 charge-and-discharge statement
收益支出,所入支出 charges against revenue,revenue expenditure
廉价价格 charm price
图表 chart
帐目表,会计科目表,帐目组织系统图 chart of accounts
品质图 chart of attributes
执照,包船[车,机]契约,章程 charter
租船契约 charter party
注册合格会计师(英),会计师(英) chartered accountant
计时船租费 chartered hire
动产 chattel
动产抵押 chattel mortgage
支票,核对 check
支票簿 check book
支票存根 check book stubs
核对数 check figure