规定用料单 bill of material买卖契约 bill of sale
应付票据 bill payable
应收票据 bill receivable
票据再贴现,再贴现票据 bill rediscounted
开单,开发票 billing
开发票机 billing machine
橱柜分格标签,橱柜标签 bin tag
订本式分类帐 binding ledger
两表比率 bi-statement ratios
黑市价格 black market price
空白背书 blank endorsement
统保 blanket insurance
无说明的分录 blind entry
分段统制帐法 block method (for controlling accounts)
管制通货 blocked currency
草帐 blotter
青天法(美各州证券发行法之通称) blue-sky law
董事会 board of directors
月初 BOM,beginning of month
债券,保结 bond
债券抵偿库券 bond anticipation notes
债券息票 bond coupon
债券折价[与费用] bond discount [and expense]
未摊销债券折价 bond discount unamortized
债券股利(以债券支付的股利) bond dividend
债券基金,公债基金 bond fund
债券信托契约 bond indentures
债券利息 bond interest
债券投资 bond investment
债券式票据 bond notes
债券法案 bond ordinance or resolution
债券溢价 bond premium
债券登记簿 bond register
债券认购书 bond subscription
债券评价,债券计价 bond valuation
债券债务 bonded debt,bonded indebtedness
未发额定债券 bonds authorized and unissued
现负债额法(摊销债券折价) bonds-outstanding method (of amortizing bond discount)
奖金,红利,加给 bonus
红利债券(用以给付红利之债券) bonus bond
红股 bonus stock