假定成本,利息等 assumed cost,interest,etc承担负债 assumed liability
照面价 at par
查帐,审计 audit
查帐调整 audit adjustment
查帐证明书 audit certificate
查帐佐理员 audit clerk
查帐日记 audit diary
查帐费用 audit expense
查帐公费 audit fee
审计法 audit law
查帐期间 audit period
查帐计画 audit program
查帐报告,审核报告 audit report
查帐标准 audit standards
查帐工作底稿 audit working papers,audit working sheet
查帐年度 audit year
应付核定债务 audited claims payable
核讫凭单 audited voucher
审计,审计学 auditing
抽查 auditing by tests and scrutiny
审计人员 auditing officers
审计机关 auditing offices
审计准则 auditing standard
查帐员 auditor
查帐证明书 auditor‘s certificate
查帐评论 auditor‘s comments
查帐员责任 auditor‘s liability
查帐意见 auditor‘s opinion
查帐报告 auditor‘s report
查帐责任 auditor‘s responsibility
公益机关 authority
公益机关债券 authority bonds
支出核准书 authority for expenditure,AFE
委托购买证 authority to purchase
资源的核定 authorization of resources
额定资本 authorized capital
额定股本 authorized capital stock
额定抵押债券 authorized mortgage bonds
额定价值 authorized value
自动化资料处理,电子化资料处理 automatic data processing,ADP,electronic data processing,EDP
自动续保 automatic reinstatement