剖面 SECT(section)剖面,断面,截口,型钢,型材 section
A-A剖面 section [on line] A-A
部视图 section drawing
型钢 section iron
画剖面线器 section liner
剖面线 section lines
格子纸 section paper
剖面详图 sectional detail drawing
剖视图 sectional drawing
立面剖视图(建筑) sectional elevation
分部地图 sectional map
平面图(建筑) sectional plan
剖视图 sectional view
剖切 sectioning
习用剖切法 sectioning covention
剖面线 section-line
扇形 sector
弓形面,线段 segment
线段 segment of line
弓形拱 segmental arch
熔接符号模板 selding symbol template
选线法(交线求法) selected-line method
选择装配 selective assembling
防松铆钉螺栓 self-locking rivet bolt
半自动铅笔 semiautomatic pencil
半箱法 semi-box construction
半圆 semi-circle
半圆拱 semi-circular arch
半圆周 semi-circumference
半导体 semiconductor
半导体符号 semiconductor symbol
螺纹半写实画法 semiconventional representaion of thread
半写实画法 semiconventional representation
半光制 semifinish
半光制螺栓头 semifinish bolthead
半光制螺帽 semifinish nut
半六角形槽 semihexagonal slot
半对数图表 semilogarithmic chart
半对数曲线 semilogarithmic curve
半透明纸 semi-transparent paper
感光纸 sensitized paper