舍入 round off修圆 round out
锥形[铅]笔尖 round point
圆头螺钉 rounded end
圆头螺栓 round-head bolt
圆头短方颈螺栓 round-head short square-neck bolt
圆头方颈螺栓 round-head square-neck bolt
正圆度 roundness
过程图表,路线图表 route chart
程序图 routing diagram
字行 row of letters
参考基准面 RP(reference plane)
每分钟转数 RPM(rpm,revolutions per minute)
每秒钟转数 RPS(rps,revolutions per second)
橡皮 rubber
橡皮印章 rubber stamp
粉红色软橡皮 ruby pencil eraser
尺,规则 rule
[字法]稳定原则 rule of stability
用仪器画的线 ruled line
长折断线 ruled line & short zigzag
以直线分隔 ruled off
投影线(投射线的投影) ruled projector
网格线的空间 ruled space
直纹面 ruled surface
尺 ruler
鸭嘴笔,直线笔 ruling pen
水平距(斜度) run of slope
转动配合 running fit
偏转,螺纹退刀 runout
偏转公差 runout tolerance
跑道 runway
锈 rust
不锈钢 rustless steel
防锈 rust-proof
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